
We the People

Not now - it is 'we the 13 corrupt male politicians' who draft a tax cut bill for the top 1% while pretending it helps health.

Sanders - We are seeing the results of how oligarchy functions right now in Congress, where the Republican leadership wants to throw 23 million people off of health insurance, cut Medicaid by over $800 billion, defund Planned Parenthood, cut food stamps and other nutrition programs by over $200 billion, cut Head Start and after-school programs, make drastic cuts in Pell grants and other programs that help make college more affordable. And, unbelievably, at exactly the same time, they want to provide the top 1 percent with $3 trillion in tax cuts. The very rich get much richer, and they get huge tax cuts. The middle class shrinks, and the poor struggle, and they will find it harder to get health care, housing, nutrition, education or clean water.

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