

A friend and I went out to eat for Thanksgiving three years ago at a first-class restaurant in the Wellington Mall and again this year at a good restaurant on Okeechobee Boulevard. We had been previously to both restaurants a few times and been served delicious meals. For the Thanksgiving turkey meal at both places, however, what we were served was the pits. The white meat was some kind of processed meat from turkey breasts and was on the dry side. At one establishment we were told we could have only white meat OR dark meat, but not both! Of course we resolved this by one us ordering white meat and the other dark. In both instances the dark meat wasn't that good, and neither were the stuffing or the gravy! A veggie conglomeration LOOKED good this year, but alas, it was tasteless. About the only good thing this year was the appetizer soup and the cranberry sauce. I know this probably isn't being thankful, but . . . .

Have any of you had like experiences when ordering a Thanksgiving turkey dinner? We want to know where one can eat out on Thanksgiving, but we'd also like to know where NOT to go! I could do far better at the Carving Station on Route 1 in Lake Park. It's a buffet, definitely "old Florida," and a half-hour drive from here, but they carve actual roasts right in front of you,  and their meals are delicious—about $14 a person plus beverage and dessert. 



I like sharp points, if no-one else posts here this is what you will get.



What are those Safety Pins

I wear my to show I am a safe place. I will protect those who are treated unfairly because of gender, race, disability, and individual beliefs.

'As reports of hostilities against various marginalized groups following the election of Donald Trump to the presidency continue to emerge, Americans are calling on each other to don safety pins on their shirts to indicate to others that they are an ally. While it is regrettable and sad that we have seemingly reached a point where it is necessary to indicate to others that we stand by them and respect their rights (as opposed to it being a given), it is comforting to see Americans taking a stand to make sure their fellow citizens feel safe and secure.
The initial idea for pinning a safety pin on one's shirt to indicate you are an ally to anyone who feels threatened or marginalized stemmed from a similar campaign in Britain that took place following the Brexit vote to leave the European Union. The vote helped spark a substantial number of xenophobic attacks and abuse. In response, the safety pin campaign was started on Twitter as a way for fellow Britons to easily and publicly let others know that they are a "safe person," an ally for anyone feeling threatened or unsafe.'


President Obama Permanently Protects Planned Parenthood


As has been the case throughout his tenure in the Oval Office, Barack Obama took unilateral action to protect women’s constitutional rights from a rabid and toxic religious Republican attack on Planned Parenthood.  
The bottom line is that theocratic Republican states can no longer even vote to defund Planned Parenthood just because some of its clinics offer abortion services.

Thank you Obama.

paralytic politicians

Things that need fixing:
Since 2010 - Stop demanding sign-up bonuses back from military after they served.
Since 2014 - Flint lead in their drinking water.
Now - Release dollars voted for zika control.


Ruff Week

PS  Channel 58 is the Escape the Election channel.  Genius


Got Advice!

CSI (in the Medical Building) has an extraordinary collection of brochures for all aspects of aging advice. From neuroscience to assisted living to >>> you are welcome to stop by.



And people who cannot read cursive cannot read historical documents.




42% Waste
          So, I told you that I belonged to a group called: Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW). Well the CAGW sends me info on Government waste from time to time. Yesterday they sent me a note regarding where the money goes for each $1 we pay in individual taxes.

42-cents goes to wasteful, inefficient and outdated federal programs.

26-cents goes to pay the $407 Billion in annual interest owed on the national debt.

32-cents goes to pay for the services our government was founded to provide.

Chuck Butler
Managing Director