
Meals delivered

So many kinds of meals delivered with more or less cooking:
So much choice, so much searching, do you have favorites?
Gobble, Blue Apron, HelloFresh, Leafside, Green Chef, MagicKitchen, Plated, The Good Kitchen, Martha & Marley Spoon. Freshly. SunBasket * dietary needs.
You can search all kinds of reviews online.  I'm beat ;-)




Our channel #205 All Health All the Time has some useful programs on various medical conditions.  Sensible doctors and personal experiences.  Also you can find the individual programs as needed on AllhealthTV.com


A parent thing

What do I want for Christmas?
My family each year ask me the same question. Here is my real answer:
What do I want for Christmas? I want you. I want you to rant about your problems, rant about life, whatever. Tell me about your job, your worries, your friends, the kids, your fur babies. I want you to continue sharing your life with me. Thank goodness for phones and pc's, laugh with me, or laugh at me, I don't care. Hearing you laugh is music to me.
I spent a lot of my life raising you the best way I knew how, you worked out pretty well. Now, give me time to sit back and admire my work.
I want you to spend your money making a better life for you and your families, I have the things I need. I want to see you happy and healthy. When you ask me what I want for Christmas, I say "nothing" because you've already been giving me my gift all year. I want you and I want to be content, live with good government that keeps things neat, clean, orderly, tolerant, little crime. Boring is good.


Assoc Preparedness Plan

Does your association have a preparedness plan (we have been asked that by absent owners)
Here is our work in progress (WIP)  -
• create an emergency to-do list and a preparedness plan
• maintain a roster of residents, Assoc bank information and staff information, including names, addresses and phone numbers
• maintain keys to each unit
• have copies of the wind, flood and property insurance policies digitally, as well as in water-proof containers
• photograph/take video of the interiors and exteriors of the property and common areas, for before and after proofs.
• collect emergency supplies in event of an emergency, including flashlights, batteries, radios, water and non-perishables See previous post.
• review the insurance deductible to determine whether the association has necessary funds on hand, or if it has to plan to obtain some, in event of an emergency
• verify emergency evacuation routes
• prior to a storm, contact vendors to take precautionary measures, such as cutting down trees, clearing debris, securing common elements, and shuttering windows/doors. Involve maintenance company as needed.
• plan for water and electric shut-off times and furniture storage !?
• assign a communications facilitator to keep residents updated and informed, possibly via association website or text messaging
• know which residents will remain on the property during the emergency
• encourage all residents to stay informed

Florida, statute doesn’t dictate exactly what an association must plan for when it comes to emergencies. Of course, a board still has a fiduciary duty to protect its property and residents.  It’s in the association’s best interests to be ready for an emergency, even if the law isn’t breathing down its back. Shari Wald Garrett, an associate at the law firm of Siegfried, Rivera, Hyman, Lerner, De La Torre, Mars, and Sobel, P.A., offers these suggestions to associations, noting that these are not all-inclusive.


emergency kit + net

The Condo Cooperator paper suggests every association should have an emergency kit (as well as individuals).
And do not forget the butterfly net. !! The butterfly net is the CV way to remove frogs from toilet bowls. Thx MM.


Nutritional Meals

My dried Leafside meals arrived. goleafside.com  based on Dr Greger all vegan, whole foods, plant based, no cooking, no chopping, all I do is boil water.  Not as pretty as some plates but good for me and tasty.  Each meal delivers at least 1/2 of the daily dozen nutrients.  See also Dr Greger  Nutritionfacts.org