
REAL Talent & Experience C'mon Down

Search/Nominations Committee Notice
It's that time of the year again when the bios for members of the UCO board should be coming in. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording and Corresponding Secretary and 10 executive board members are open for renewal. To be an officer of the UCO board one must be domiciled in Century Village for nine months each year and be a member in good standing of UCO. To be on the executive committee one must follow the same conditions as an officer and, in addition, agree to serve on two committees.
Following is the format as to how the bio should be written:
Name, address, phone number, email address and the position for which you are running.
Work experience
UCO and CV experience.
It's never too early to send your bio to me at rgwlbf@gmail.com. Within a couple of days, you will receive an acknowledgment and then it will be forwarded to the UCO REPORTER. If you have any questions, call me at 561 712 0259 leaving a message as to why you called and, of course, your name and return number. Please make those calls between 9:00am and 5:00pm. When a final date for sending bios is determined, we will let everyone know.
There has been much praise and some negativity as to what goes on inside the gates of Century Village. YOUR VOICE WILL BE HEARD, BUT WHERE ARE YOU????? Now is the time for you to RUN FOR THE BOARD..It does not matter if you are satisfied with what is being done in the Village or if you disagree with what is happening. RUN FOR THE BOARD.
It's amazing how satisfied and enriched you will feel helping Century Village owners and renters while working at UCO with your friends and neighbors. You will meet and get acquainted with new friends and neighbors. TRY IT. YOU'LL LIKE IT AND RUN FOR THE BOARD.


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