
Cracks & Crackpots

Go outside the village.
Look down you will see reflection cracks everywhere.
Do research on reflection cracks, they are cosmetic in Florida.
Up North they would be enlarged by ice, freezing thawing, that does not happen here.
If you had been to the Paving town hall mtgs in CV you would understand.
As Grace repeats, 'that is what we voted for'. The paving company told us if we did not go down to bedrock the cracks that were on the old roadway would come back. We could not afford the cost to go to bedrock, not then, not now. What price prettiness!  Face lifts for all!
Of course, if you are only interested in creating phony issues and blaming and exaggerating you will not be interested.
photos are: Haverhill Road, Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Commons Ctr, Volvo dealership, etc
None of these locations have crazy lawsuits.
The Commons is example of sealing over cracks. Shiny black finish.
Even with cement:  http://cement.org/pavements/cracking.pdf  -cracks are mainly cosmetic in nature and do not reduce the pavements smoothness or serviceability." 
Even with a cement-stabilized base there can also be shrinkage cracks in the stabilized base layer, which can reflect through the asphalt surface. The cracks that develop are not the result of a structural deficiency, but rather a natural characteristic of the base. The surface cracks tend to follow the same pattern as the cracks in the base, and are referred to as “reflection” cracks. 


  1. Hi Elaine,
    Let's sue them all for $50,000,000.00!!

  2. Maybe we should Dave
    I may say our CV paving is a lot better than outside the village, our job passed the tests by Federal Testing & Engineering at 99% compaction, excellent. Ours will also last better because we have such light traffic (compared to Okeechobee Blvd. etc.)
