
Pleiades Dance

The Japanese dance troupe 'Enra' combines light, music and state-of-the-art technology in their wondrous performances. This performance entitled "Pleiades", or the Greek name for the Seven Sisters star cluster, was directed by notable Japanese artist Nobuyuki Hanabusa. Enjoy this stunning meeting of music, dance and light in one fantastic performance!


  1. Hi Elaine,
    Is this related to the dance of the Hecatonchires?
    Dave Israel

  2. I've changed my mind about Dave Israel. I thought his main aim in his senior years was to modernize the Village and make it run more efficiently for everyone. Now I think there has been an ulterior motive all along: to get us all to know the ancient Greek myths. No matter what subject you bring up, he can find some abstruse Greek (or Latin) link. I am learning to just be glad when it's not purple.

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