

As elections approach I want to say that Dave Israel's high personal integrity is the bedrock of our village. He is not seen a great deal in public, he is not out glad handing, but we know he is there for endless hours in UCO and at Delegate meetings. To know him is to have the greatest confidence in anything with which he is associated. He helps every and all associations, mine would have been much poorer without Dave's advice. UCO staff appreciate his outstanding abilities and his willingness to assist with any and all tasks. The hate mail in the village and the malcontents that sue and harass UCO are appalling compared to Dave's honest and responsible character. Elaine Brown Sussex L
If you had worked with and for Dave for four years you would know this too.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Elaine, and you would know, having worked closely with Dave on things at UCO. I agree with every point you have made. This is a good man, extremely able, honest (sometimes to a fault), and amazingly proficient in bringing UCO into the future, which is already here. Several months ago someone from one of the other Century Villages remarked on our blog how they sure would appreciate having Dave in THEIR Village. This was said in the context of some "Dave bashing" here. If you're throwing him out, the man said, send him OUR way! We would see him as a godsend.
