
Ten Things to Think About Before You Vote

This piece is so insightful and logical its worth saying again, thx AMD

1.     Was it a coincidence that the first lawsuit against UCO filed by Dave Israel’s opponents was filed hours after delegates defeated the recall against Dave by a vote of 161-4, and that we heard nothing (except that the plaintiffs wanted UCO to pay their legal costs) until the latest lawsuit was filed just in time for the Candidates Forum and the March 7 election?

2.   When people file serial lawsuits, disregarding the legal costs to all of us and the insurance premiums that will shoot up (or the carriers who will refuse to cover us because UCO has been sued yet again), why does a candidate for UCO President say, “That’s what insurance is for”? Leadership to call for solving problems in ways other than $5.4 million lawsuits is in order.

3.   If a candidate resorts to vicious accusations like referring to David as  “...just a “piece of human trash,” saying he would have “sold his fellow Jews down the river,” and does not speak out against supporters’ blog posts, like David “is bringing back the Third Reich” and David must be “taken down,”  won’t she govern in the same way?  

4.   On his worst day, David never resorted to religion-tinged taunts or threats. Neither did his supporters.

5.   Five years of study and several years on UCO committees and the Executive Board before David felt prepared to run for office doesn’t compare to a few books and docs on your desk for reference if you’ve never served in UCO at all.

6.   Facts matter. County engineers inspected the paving of the roads  –and the paving passed inspection. David has apologized many times for remaining trouble areas but opponents’ accusations ignore the inspections or denigrate the results.

7.   Hiring PBSO to be sure a potentially explosive budget meeting did not get out of hand isn’t exactly “Gestapo” tactics using “armed guards.”  Many delegates said it was the most productive meeting we’ve had in years.  For Dave’s opponents, PBSO is wrong, the County is wrong, UCO is wrong. Doesn’t leave much room for collaboration and positive thinking.

8.   A candidate who makes a sarcastic comment about David’s post-911 service (…”while you were out saving the world from 911”) insults the victims of 911 and anyone who used his or her skills to help track the perpetrators.

9.   Results matter. Savings to residents from reduced insurance premiums and the Comcast contract, balanced budgets, transparent bid processes, advanced business systems, UCO President’s meetings for input from association leaders, email notifications of minutes, meetings and events to 800 residents opting in, the foundation for Wi-Fi for Internet access at great savings, improved security and streamlined investigations, a record of coordination with state and County officials for the benefit of residents.  And he’s not done.

1.   Vision matters. Full implementation of W-Fi, a new infrastructure project to replace aging water pipes throughout the Village, a new foreclosure project to help associations recover funds -- big ideas for the future, not attacks on the past.

Please support Dave Israel and the slate of candidates he has endorsed.  

1 comment:

  1. If you hear any rumor from Esther and co about Dave Israel, they are totally false! And, to the woman who 'just knew' that Dave made out on a condo sale, that is totally false, check the Property Assessor site - no transactions of course.
