
Other Countries

If Germany can provide health care and college education to everyone, why can't the United States?

Take a look at what Finland, the happiest country in the world, is doing. If Finland can provide everyone with health care, send everyone to college for free and provide affordable child care, why can't the US?

The Netherlands has become the world’s 2nd biggest food exporter

African Factory Turns Trash into Energy, Clean Water and Bricks

At a time of mounting uncertainty in Europe, Portugal has defied critics who insisted on austerity as the answer to the Continent’s economic and financial crisis. Portugal's government raised public sector salaries, the minimum wage and pensions and even restored the amount of vacation days to pre-bailout levels over objections from creditors.

for more search:  World economic Forum, Initiatives ...  Climate reality ...  and Facebook Bernie Sanders


Happiness: 6 lessons you can practice now

Click > 


When Yale University psychology professor Laurie Santos set out to teach a new course on how to be happy, the reaction was stunning.
“Psychology and the Good Life,” which began this semester, is the most popular class in the history of Yale College, with more than 1,200 students enrolled, the Yale Daily News reported. One classroom wasn’t enough, so the lectures are now being simulcast around campus.
Other links present this as a formal college course.


TV Mute Button

I have long wanted a large mute button for commercials and His Heinous to help my multitasking, and finally, here it is:

SMASH MUTE...The Big, Fat TV Mute Button 

WORKS ON YOUR TV...Programs in about 10 seconds. Directions included, but you'll need 2 AA batteries.
THE JOY OF MUTING...No more fumbling around for that miserable little mute button on your TV remote. Just hit Smash Mute. It's amazingly satisfying.
CIVILIZED SUBSTITUTE...No more screaming obscenities at your TV.
A PRODUCT OF OUR TIMES...These days it's hard to watch TV without it.



FL lightning capital of USA

Big storm last night. I tried to take photo of small lightning flashes thru window,  then one massive bolt lit the whole neighborhood and sky beyond.  Brighter than sun! at 9pm.  Unretouched photos.



This photo is not CV, but it could be easily achieved here.


But is it Art!

Huge CV digging to put in optical cable for new internet and cable - 37 miles network cable, 17 miles fiber optic, 10 miles coaxial.  Much of this has been hand dug by 5 workers, amazing working up to 11 hours per day.