
Cleaned Up

Northampton R & S, thanks for removing those trashy, offensive, and misleading signs. I think condo sales will improve in the NW corner of CV now.


  1. Hi Elaine,
    I don't think they removed them, I was visited by a PBSO Deputy, who was "investigating the disappearance" of those snipe signs. Someone by the name of Wolkenstein led the deputy to come to UCO and question me.

    For the record, I had nothing to do with the "sign-napping" but I applaud whoever took the step to de-ghettoize our Village by removing them.

    Dave Israel

  2. For the record, I have been up in Massachusetts for a month, going on two months. I don't "like" the signs, but neither do I think they're a "terrible blight." To most people, in fact, I imagine they're just a rather humorous evidence of "condo wars," which occur everywhere. If the signs were there with the approval of the association, I suppose they were legal, but I am not a legal expert. Removing them (assuming the condo association didn't order it) could have been on the order of a prank, done by anyone, involved in the controversy or not. But it is still theft, and I think that sets a bad precedent. So far our disagreements have involved mostly only words. I don't like the thought of this escalating to theft and actual deeds. I regret the theft rather than applaud it.

  3. Anyone who adds commentary to this subject will likely be added to the "suspect list", but, like Lanny, I have a solid geographic alibi, so here goes:

    Those signs were made of metal. With the amount of scrap scavengers that regularly prowl the Village, I am amazed that the signs lasted as long as they did in that spot.

    Also, markings on the signs suggest that they were originally scavenged from a now-defunct pharmacy on Okeechobee Blvd., so perhaps, scavenger-wise, we can regard this particular caper as a wash.

  4. Could be a trick, move signs, blame UCO, and play the victim. Maybe they could even concoct a law suit. Who do we know who has time for that idiocy?
